Saturday, March 8, 2014

Expedition to Macchu Pichu with friends

Today I visited Macchu Pichu with my friends Norana & Diocletius.  Here are some pics of what I saw:

During my visit I climbed the mountain and along the way ran into what appears to be a llama.  I took a pic of Dio next to the llama.  I believe this is at the Main Temple, but since we also visited the Palace and the Sacred Temple I can't be sure (they all look a lot alike!). 

I was happy to see there were maps which you can click on to learn about the location in which your avatar is standing.  It makes it quite a learning experience and I shared this info with Esme.  I look forward to my next SL trip!

Sunday, March 2, 2014

SL shopping mishap and visit to ISTE

During my visit to SL with the group this week I took a picture in Esme's house on the second floor.  This depics my beginning of the journey and from here we went shopping where I proceeded to change the look of my avatar.  Well, actually, I just wanted to change my clothes but ended up losing my hair as well! 

After some struggling (and a quick trip back to orientation island through no intention of my home) I ended up discovering the link to a landmark which our fearless leader, Esme, had shared with me.  This took me to a place called ISTE on Eduisland 9 (?) which I missed most of due to my late entry following the mishap with my shopping trip.  I took a picture here also:

 At least you can see I am back to looking my original self, Doctrina 2, wearing my favorite red sweater, jeans, and black belt!

Sunday, February 16, 2014

This week I visited another island, Cybernauts of Skohegan, along with the Marlboro Group.  This island is art and media center created and used by a High School teacher in Skohegan.  His students are able to create projects such as slideshows, art, and dress up as characters from plays in order to learn.  I found this island creative and fun to visit-I even took a picture of a group of us and added it to the slideshow displayed in his art galleria entranceway!  The above picture is another which I took while we were there.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Ladybug on Arbennik Island

So, today I traveled off of Marlboro College Island in search of a flying hamburger.  While I was not able to locate that hamburger (yet), I did come across a gigantic ladybug which I took a picture of myself next to.  Not sure where to locate the hamburger but will keep looking!

Sunday, February 2, 2014

First Visit

My initial impression of Jokaydia was a good one.  I am amazed at how much there is to do.  What I like most is that I am joining in with a group of people, some of whom are just starting out in virtual 3D education like me.  I once tried out Second Life but felt like I was just "out there in 3D land" as I had noone to show me the ropes.  Since having a teacher lead me through an hour long orientation in Jokaydia I am able to sit, run, fly, teleport, copy inventory, and take pictures with little problem.  I even "dressed" my avatar and accessorized!  The notecard assignments with instructions on how to complete every move are a great way to learn this world, and I am looking forward to a whole class meet as I wasn't able to attend this week's group meet.